Committee Chairs Convene at Cabinet

Members of Cabinet, current, and past Board members at our recent Leadership Reception

Did you know that committee leaders meet quarterly to discuss common issues?  We call it the Cabinet and it’s a chance to engage, brainstorm, and, ultimately, better serve the membership.  And, it’s a lot of fun too!  The purpose of Cabinet is to share updates on committee happenings with the goal of working more collaboratively and effectively.  The work of each committee—Member Engagement, Intersect, Pooled Fund Grants, Partner Grants and Impact Assessment—is interconnected and a lively discussion always ensues!

Committees are an integral part of Transforming Together 2020.  Committees work within the strategic framework, while retaining their unique charters and personalities.  This year, Cabinet changed the format of the meetings to take a deeper dive into common issues facing the all committees at the Foundation.  At meetings, leaders discussed a single topic through the lens of each individual committee. Topics included: risk, member recruitment/retention, sharing power and navigating change. 

As an example, the conversation about sharing power generated thoughtful discussion about how WA Women’s Fdn shares power and with whom.  The possibilities are endless, including sharing power with community members, grantees, grantee populations, other funders, WA Women’s Fdn collective, WA Women’s Fdn staff and more.

Every meeting generated ideas and action items.  Some common takeaways for Cabinet members included the willingness to learn, lean into discomfort, and consider various perspectives.  It’s expected that these conversations will evolve as the Foundation evolves.

As Cabinet Chair, I’m an ex-officio member of the Board and act as a link between the Board and committee leadership.  I share committee updates at Board meetings and inform Cabinet members of relevant topics presented by the Board.

I’d like to thank the 2018-19 Cabinet:  Trish Keegan, Maura Fallon, Liz Choy (Intersect); Christine Atkins, Susan Heikkala, Lorraine del Prado (Pooled Fund Grants); Denise Allan (Member Engagement); Amy Corey, Patricia Kiyono (Partner Grants); and Aru Chandorkar, Margit Rankin (Impact Assessment).  Your leadership and voices around the table are much appreciated!  In the Fall, Cabinet will welcome a combination of returning and new committee leaders.

Many thanks to Cabinet staff partner, Aviva Stampfer, and also to Beth McCaw, Morgan Dawson and Aki Shibuya who participate in Cabinet as needed throughout the year.  Their guidance has been so valuable.

Cabinet 2019-20 kicks off in the Fall, so please let your committee leadership, Aviva or me know if you have any questions or input for discussion topics.  Thank you and happy summer!

1 response to “Committee Chairs Convene at Cabinet

  1. Thank you all for your work to help make our processes and the WWF more effective. No need to answer.

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